
Monday, August 29, 2011

A Continuing Story

Millie spent Sunday evening with us and we had so much fun with her! We played Mad Gab, baked oreo cheesecake bars, and wrote continuing stories! For those who don't know, a continuing story is where one person writes a sentence or two, folds the paper so that only the last sentence or part of the last sentence is visible, and then passes the paper on to someone else, who will continue the story without knowing what the previous person was writing about. It's so much fun! I'll be posting the ones that we wrote Sunday evening all this week. 

Purple - Millie
Dark Blue - Qix
Black - Mox
Light Blue - Exie

The lights were shining so brightly. She envied those lights. Ella wished she could have that same glow again. He searched and searched, and one day he found it. The glow he had seen earlier was coming from a girl's beautiful blonde hair! So long and wavy, just toughing it felt wonderful. And looking at the back of it, was simply beautiful but when she turned around . . . wow, what happened? My life or heart spotted the wrong back and I raced towards him calling. But right as he turned around (and I realized it wasn't actually him) I tripped on my heels and the chai tea went off. He quickly turned off the oven and ran outside to see what was happening. He was ecstatic! The little red dwarfs loved him! The rest of the day they spent collecting raspberries and making chocolate shakes. After they finished making them, then here goes the tasting. Picking up the glass, slowly pouring the shake into it, opened wide, closed eyes, and drank my mango/pineapple slushy. Ah, this was the life. Lazing on the beach of Hawaii watching HOT surfers ride the waves. I could certainly get used to this :D She was in bliss. Nothing could end her happiness. Well, almost nothing. Except for her. She was alone in the corner. Maxwell beckoned his head in an invitation to join the group. She nodded her head in acceptance and walked over to join them. 
(the end)

1 comment:

  1. oh goodness! These were the best two, Mox! Thnx for putting them up;)
